The aim of the project is to create a virtual international company. It will combine the activities of the student companies established in all schools that are advertising agencies with different activities. Students will acquire economics knowledge to create, manage and develop their small enterprise /an advertising agency/; they will acquire basic business skills. They will connect the real business, they will obtain the experience and know-how for their companies and will face problems related to local government and legislation. The conduction of an innovation camp and workshop for business ideas will lead to development of their entrepreneurial attitudes, motivate them to be creative and generate ideas on a specific business challenge.
Projekti eesmärgiks on luua virtuaalne rahvusvaheline ettevõte, millesse on integreeritud reklaami teenused. See ettevõte ühendab igas koolis loodud õpilasfirmade tegevust. Õpilasfirmadeks on erineva tegevusega reklaamiagentuurid. Õpilased omandavad majandusalaseid teadmisi et luua, hallata ja arendada oma väikeettevõtet / reklaamiagentuuri /, samuti äritegevuse baasoskusi. Nad külastavad ettevõtteid saamaks kogemusi ja asjatundlikku nõu, puutuvad kokku kohaliku omavalitsuse probleemide ja õigusaktidega.
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